When does morning sickness start

When does morning sickness start?

Morning sickness which is the early signs of pregnancy typically starts around 6th to 7th week of pregnancy. It can also starts after the 6th to 7th week and end around week 12 of pregnancy.
In rare cases, the signals can also persist

until the end of pregnancy.  Although most people think it happens commonly in the mornings. But the fact is, it can occur at different times during the day. Women who have gone through it knows that morning sickness symptoms can appear at any time of day or night or in the afternoon, Dealing with morning sickness is necessary to understand a little of what it is and how it can affect.
When does morning sickness start
It is the desire of all pregnant women to prevent morning sickness and they are concern to know When this symptoms start. But the moment of pregnancy is often coupled with concerns about how to prevent this disease. Although not all pregnant women experience morning sickness.
When considering other causes of morning sickness, it is also necessary to consider the available treatments for this experience. You will find a lot of information out there to educate women on how to combat morning sickness.
As mothers begin to seek treatment for the disease, they will discover whether natural and practical. Natural remedies are those using vitamins and nutrients as fighters for morning sickness.
People believe that symptoms are caused by the pregnancy hormone HCG, which is produced by the developing placenta, but also contribute other factors such as hypoglycemia, heartburn, stress and fatigue.

What is Morning Sickness

If it is called morning sickness, hyperemesis nausea, vomiting or pregnancy, morning sickness, NVP, illness or pregnancy simply nausea, is an unpleasant condition that affects more than fifty percent of all pregnant women,they may experience this in the first quarter. Severe cases of morning is known as hyperemesis gravidarum disease and may require hospitalization to treat dehydration that may have resulted from the severe and frequent vomiting.

Treat and relieve morning sickness

Prevention is the best way to deal with morning sickness. Keep your bedside few simple biscuits, puffed rice, or even a piece of chocolate to eat something from the moment you wake up, raising the level of sugar in your blood before you get up.
Instead of three large meals a day, do five or six small meals to avoid an empty stomach and keep your blood sugar stable in the blood. Try to Make sure your diet contains sufficient amounts of protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese) and complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, grains) to meet the requirements of your baby’s development.
Eat raw cabbage.
After the BRATT diet often prescribed to patients with gastrointestinal problems and consists of low fiber foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea.
The ingestion of ginger, fresh from the garden,capsules, ginger ale, tea or ginger biscuits.
Starting the day with crackers.
Refrain from drinking during meals but drink plenty of fresh water between them.
Socking in ice cubes made from fresh water or fruit juices.
Some nutrition experts recommend 75 to 100 milligrams of vitamin B6 supplement to prevent nausea. Take also your regular prenatal vitamin and avoid spicy or greasy foods, avoid acalorarte and sweating a lot, and rest well.

How to deal with nausea

Besides avoiding general things that make you feel disgusted when does morning sickness start, try these ideas:
1. Breathe, breathe in through your nose and exhale through the mouth or try to visualize something beautiful
2. Suck or chew ice flakes, or freshly cut lemon
3. If you brush your teeth causes arcades, try a mouthwash and use it frequently to keep your mouth fresh
4. Try a glass of milk or two calcium tablets to neutralize the acid that is in your stomach
5. Apply a cold cloth or ice pack to your throat
6. Add grated ginger (a natural remedy for nausea) to vegetables and other foods
7. Take a chamomile tea or ginger
8. Do not forget to drink fluids, but do not feel like eating something solid (might help if you combine liquids and solids in the same meal).
9. Apply pressure or ice to the bone at the base of your skull (in the back of your neck, immediately behind each ear)
10. Test the bracelets to relieve nausea: These bands, which are available in most pharmacies have a little button that puts pressure on a specific point and relieves nausea

Long-term plans

The good thing is that for most women morning sickness ends in the fourth month of pregnancy, when hormone levels begin to decrease slightly.
If your symptoms persist nausea and vomiting (more than once or twice a day), if not let you eat or drink, or continue after the first trimester, talk about this with your doctor. Maybe you have a more serious condition called hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires medical treatment.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test


The most reliable method to diagnose a pregnancy is blood dosage of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). As we only dose the beta fraction of hCG, blood test used to diagnose pregnancy is called beta hCG (BHCG)

The beta hCG levels start to rise already eight days of fertilization, just after the implantation of the egg (sperm + egg) in the womb.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Most current home pregnancy tests can detect the presence of hCG in urine on the first day of missed period. However, the amount of hormone in the urine at such an early stage of pregnancy may be small, generating a questionable result (explain below). Therefore, the safest thing is to carry out the test after a week of missed period.
If you think you may be pregnant but her first test was negative, repeat it after one week. In this short time the hCG concentration reaches quadruple, reducing the risk of a false negative result.
There are on the market dozens of different types of pregnancy test. Some are better quality than others, being able to detect very small levels of hCG in urine. However, one week after missed menses, the amount of urinary hCG is already high enough for all pharmacy tests can detect the presence of the hormone.

What values ​​of beta hCG indicate pregnancy?

  •  – Beta values ​​below 5 mIU hCG / ml are negative, ie discard pregnancy.
  • - Values ​​between 5 and 25 mIU / ml are undefined and can mean very early pregnancy, when there was still time enough hormone to be produced to be detected in the blood. In these cases one must repeat the test after three days.
  • - Values ​​above 25 mIU / ml are positive and indicate ongoing pregnancy.
During the first thirty days, the value of beta hCG nearly doubles every 24-48 hours, reaching up to 150,000 mIU / ml at 10 weeks of gestation. Thereafter, its value falls, stabilizing around the 10,000 mIU / ml.
Beta hCG is dosed in laboratories through blood test. Most women, however, prefer more comfortable methods, which can be made at home and without the need for needles for drawing blood. Therefore, since the 1970s there are home pregnancy tests, the famous pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies. They are nothing more tapes that detect the hCG beta presence in urine.
As the beta hCG concentrations in urine are lower than in the blood, pharmacy pregnancy tests take a little longer to stay positive. While the beta hCG blood can already be positive on the first day of missed period, with beta testing urinary hCG are better when done after a week or two delay, to avoid false negatives. The more time is passed after conception, the greater the level of blood BHCG and hence urine. After two weeks of the menstrual period fails, the sensitivity of pharmacy test reaches 99%.

positive pregnancy test

In general, one can make the pharmacy pregnancy test on the first day of a missed period, however, it should be borne in mind the risk of a false negative result for the precocity of the examination. So if the pharmacy test done with little menstrual delay time is negative, it is necessary to repeat it after one week, if menstruation continues late, of course.


In more advanced pregnancies, we can identify the gestational sac (structure that houses the embryo) from the 5th week of pregnancy by transvaginal ultrasound or from the 7th week by abdominal ultrasound.
Amazingly some women do not seek diagnosis after advanced stages of pregnancy. Sometimes pregnancy is so obvious that we can identify it by physical examination. Twelve weeks, the uterus begins to be palpable and after 20 weeks we can already identify fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope, as well as realize their movements by abdominal palpation.
Early diagnosis of pregnancy is important to immediately get prenatal care. Besides controlling blood pressure, glucose levels, recognition of pregnancy it is important to avoid ingestion of alcohol and drugs that could be harmful to the fetus.

It is always good to remember that the correct use of contraceptives confers protection more efficiently than 99%. If you take the pill correctly, the chance of getting pregnant is almost nil.


Yes, they help, but you can not make the diagnosis of pregnancy based only on signs and symptoms. Knowing the symptoms of pregnancy is important for the woman to feel encouraged to make a diagnosis of pregnancy tests. However, in some way, the presence or absence of these signals serves to confirm or discard an ongoing pregnancy.
The signs and symptoms of pregnancy that should light a warning light for women of childbearing age who have had unprotected sex in the last weeks are:

a) menstrual delay

The most obvious symptom of pregnancy is a missed period. Every woman of childbearing age, sexually active with delayed longer period than a week should consider pregnancy.
However, not all women can easily identify a delay in menstruation. There are women with irregular ovulatory cycles that sometimes are up to two months without menstruating. Another problem is that some pregnant present small cyclical bleeding in early pregnancy, leading them to think that it is just a weaker period. There is also the possibility of a little bleeding during the implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall. This deployment is usually ten to fourteen days after fertilization, at about the time that menstruation was to come, and may also cause confusion.

 b) Nausea and vomiting

A classic symptom of pregnancy are nausea and vomiting during the 6th and 12th weeks of pregnancy. The frame tends to be worse in the morning and improve throughout the day. The nausea can last up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.

 c) Sore breasts and swollen

The beta hCG and increased estrogen and progesterone promote stimulation of the mammary glands, leading to increased volume of the breasts, local pain and nipple darkening. In some women these changes are early, while others only notice changes in the breasts after a few weeks of missed period.

d) Tiredness

Most common in the first trimester, fatigue is probably caused by an increase in progesterone levels. Women who exercise regularly begin to notice a decrease in your strength, not tolerating the same exercise load that was previously. Sedentary women may be tired with little effort, such as climbing a flight of stairs or dishwasher.

 e) frequent urine

A frequent urge to urinate, usually associated with sleep disruption and the need to get up at night to pee, is common. This happens for changes in renal system, mainly by increasing the excretion of sodium (salt).

 f) Other common symptoms of pregnancy

Wishes and food aversions
– Mood swings
– Constipation
– Heartburn
– Dizziness
– Headaches (read: HEADACHE | Migraine and severity of signs )
– Lower back pain

Readiness to having a baby

You should know before you having a baby:

Why do we feel like a baby when you’re a teenager? That’s a big question that can’t respond uniquely. It is important to consider what we want when it happens. The desire for pregnancy, child, is a desire that involves all the complexity of his personal history.

Become pregnant = want to what?

Being pregnant or having a baby? To bring a child into the world? From a total and unconditional love with a being from his own flesh? Leaving his parents by becoming a parent in turn?
The desire of a baby called many questions and manifest more or less conscious desires. When we forget, for example, to take his birth, or after sex (even protected) one is on the lookout, even anxious attentive to the slightest symptoms of pregnancy, or conversely a lack of rule is not noted , this may be a sign (unconscious) desire a pregnancy or baby.
Wanting a baby manifests a desire for life. This desire can be a way to prove something to yourself, for example: check her fertility, expressing a willingness to change, control its life when it seems that everything escapes us, especially in this adolescent period when the changes are very present.
It is not a project like the other because a child is for life! So it is important to decipher what lies behind this desire.

Desire for pregnancy and desire to have children: is it the same?

Although these terms are often associated, there is a difference between desires for a child and become pregnant. In fact, want to be pregnant; it can be to want to live the time of pregnancy, to be a pregnant woman. The desire for children it is more a desire to give love, give birth to a being which we will take care and help it grow. It may also be a desire to transmit a part of us and a desire to start his own family.

Fantasy or desire?

While you , you better be two, have you decided together with your boyfriend to become mother and father? If not, are you ready to have a single e-e child? And under what conditions?
Sometimes there is a discrepancy between what is imagined and what is really the arrival of a child and what it entails. Sometimes we dream for her future child dream as his great love, without the burden of reality.
For example, the price of a pack of layers , the amount of rent , if any, the time it takes care whose child needs and keeps us out when we want. Have you also thought about the organization of childcare in your city or else around you is he agrees to help you?
Anyway, all the stuff not “glam “that one has to take care when becomes a parent. To realize what it actually is and the attention that we can request a baby to experience keeping a child by babysitting for example.
The urge to child during adolescence can therefore sometimes take more of the fantasy that the real project. That is to say that it is a desire that (not materialize) can be used to prepare for his future adult life, to imagine and to experience the fun that it will.
During the adolescent period, is changing. This is often the time when we confronted her parents , where we want to “separate”, to choose his own path. This process is emotionally difficult. So how to accommodate a baby in that time while we ourselves saw a turbulent period? For the role of a parent is not only cuddle her child is also to accompany him in his education, and this sometimes involves conflict with him.Becoming parents is an adventure made of moments of joy and pleasure but also with obstacles and winding paths. The more we will be sure-e of their choice, prepared-e-e surrounded by his family and accompanied e-plus meeting with this new being will be smooth and more serene as possible.

Increase your fertility by naturopathy While you having a baby:

Before you jump in the design, here naturopathic advice for you to be the most of your potential health before you having a baby. Are you willing and ready to change your life? Because, yes, a child becomes a life! There are significant changes to your lifestyle, and that, from the stage of preconception. Everything that enters your body, everything you breathe, your stress levels and emotions and even your environment will affect the quality of the egg and sperm. If you have vitamin and mineral deficiencies will require remedy. If you take drugs, you will see a doctor, because all drugs have side effect. Imagine you as 4 months of preparation effects are ideal before conceiving a child? This is actually what time it will take your body eliminate certain toxins and increase the quality of your blood in essential nutrients. In addition, we also provide about three months to fully renew the sperm army. Therefore BOTH partners, MAN and WOMAN, must take seriously the recommendation intimation. To improve your alimentation Adopt a diet of 25% or more protein and 40% or less of carbohydrates. This type of diet improves egg quality and double the pregnancy rate in IVF, in vitro fertilization. For a detailed and personalized eating plan, do not hesitate to meet a naturopath prescription. Avoid low-fat dairy products, and consume dairy products rich in fat.
Yes, you read correctly! Consumption of low-fat dairy products increases the risk of unexplained infertility 85%, while the consumption of dairy products rich in fat may reduce this risk (it reduces the risk of unexplained infertility and anovulatory cycle by 27% and 50%, respectively) .Augmenter your intake of monounsaturated fat in the diet improves your fertility.
Consume extra virgin olive oil and avocados. In a study of some 17,000 women conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, the researchers were able to define a food group that promotes fertility. Consume more monounsaturated fats (like olive oil) and less trans fat (such as those found in many baked goods or fast food) was one of the keys of the increased f fertility.
Consume quality saturated fat. Saturated fat quality decrease the risk of infertility by 17% (choose organic sources such as organic butter and organic red meat from grass-fed animals). The consumption of saturated fats in a healthy diet is associated with increased fertility high. Reduce consumption of refined carbohydrates and replace refined carbohydrates with foods high in fiber.
Eating foods high in fiber (such as chia seeds or flax seeds) and low glycemic index, while reducing the intake of carbohydrates and refined sugars, is a dietary principles is essential to increase fertility.
Avoid soybeans while you having a baby:
Soybeans causes miscarriage and infertility in mice. When given soybean to a mouse, it has abnormal menstrual cycles, her ovarian function is altered and sub fertility. Have healthy lifestyle.

Stop smoking while you having a baby:

Cigarette smoking decreases your chances of conceiving, since smoking reduces the level of estrogen, so you will have fewer years of fertility. He also age your ovaries and deplete your eggs prematurely, and reduces your ability to get pregnant.
Cigarette smoking also makes it more difficult to penetrate egg by sperm and they have more difficulty reaching the egg, as the cervical mucus is more consistent in smokers. There is evidence that smoking damages the structure and the shape of the sperm causing infertility. Besides that smoking damages your cervix and fallopian tubes, smoking increases the risk of miscarriage.
Know that the effects of smoking take several months to disappear. This is the MOST IMPORTANT thing before designing.
Alcool Boire more attention to one drink a day reduces the chances of getting pregnant by 50%.Boire one drink a day reduces the chances of getting pregnant by 30% .

Don’t drink alcohol before conception: 

You should bare with that you will not dirk Alcohol before conception or even when you desired to having a baby. Alcohol reduces the live birth rate of 21% in patients in vitro fertilization (IVF). Women drinking at least four drinks a week had 16% less chance of giving birth compared with those who drank fewer than four drinks per week. For couples in which both partners drank at least four glasses a week, the chances of birth were 21% lower compared to couples where both drank fewer than four drinks per week. CONCLUSION: The consumption of as little as four drinks per week is associated with decreased IVF birth rates.
It takes three months after a night of alcohol abuse so that the sperm count returns to normal.
Have a healthy body mass index between 20 and 25
While you having a baby calculate your body mass index (BMI) is used to encrypt an excess or insufficient weight. The result allows knowing the number of pounds to lose or gain for optimal health. However, this is an incomplete tool since it does not account for muscle mass, bone, and fat distribution. A more comprehensive test would be an analysis of body composition you can do an authorized naturopath.
A body mass index greater than 30 positions you in the obese category. Obesity causes complex side effects such as hormonal changes and insulin resistance. Considerable evidence suggests that a negative effect of obesity is the risk of maternal complications and miscarriages. The obese are also more prone to infertility. The most important method to enhance reproductive performance in obese women is weight loss that can be achieved with lifestyle changes and diet with a naturopath. (Reference)

Avoid Snuff while you having a baby: 

There are still no clear scientific evidence on whether smoking before pregnancy can harm the baby or not. What it is demonstrated is that the consumption of snuff, especially after the first trimester, involves risks for small and for the proper development of pregnancy.
Regarding pregnancy, the most common risks are abortion, vaginal bleeding, premature labor, ectopic pregnancy and abnormal implantation or placental, among others. For the baby, the main effect is the low birth weight, which is linked directly with the number of cigarettes consumed: . more amount of cigarettes, lighter weight baby medium term, smoking is also related the likelihood of apnea syndrome or sudden death of the infant.

Be active, exercising:

The implementation of physical activity increases the chances of pregnancy and tends to decrease the risk of miscarriage. In addition, women who were physically active were more likely to have an increased implantation rates and a rise in treatments in vitro fertilization.

Before you having a baby learn to manage your stress: 

In studies conducted by Alice Domar, PhD, of the Harvard Mind-Body Institute, women who have undergone stress reduction therapy have seen dramatic increases in their ability to get pregnant. In fact, even women who have already undergone fertility treatment had better results when stress was kept under control.
The spirit and the reproductive system are closely linked; stress can disrupt your pituitary gland which is the control center of the main fertility hormones. In the brain, it is normal to prevent pregnancy while you are on, it is a natural means of protection; in all species, a female who does not feel safe cannot conceive. It is also known that prolonged stress can cause spasms in the fallopian tubes, which prevents the fertilized egg down to the uterus. Stress can also inhibit the production of testosterone in men, leading to a decreased sex drive. In short, good stress management is ESSENTIAL. Do you find ways to release your stress: yoga, swimming, walking, breathing, meditation, etc.
And you, what do you think? Is four months of preparation are too before conceiving a child? Do you have other tips to share? Changing lifestyle habits is not always easy to do alone. Do not hesitate to seek help for personal advice from an expert whenever you feel any confusion at the time you going to have baby.

During six months pregnancy

Changes and symptoms during the sixth month of pregnancy:

During these months you have suffered a series of mood swings, sometimes you’re more irritable and other times you’re happy, feelings are ambiguous, and concern yourself about the welfare of your baby. Is normal that bombard the doctor with questions, it will be normal, the important thing is do not panic and enjoy your pregnancy.

Changes in pregnancy

You may finish the week 24 or 25 of pregnancy have increased two or three kilos, your legs and feet swell more easily and stretch marks begin to appear, remember why use moisturizers that help your skin does not lose moisture .
It also happens that sometimes you leave colostrum breasts, will be normal because it is starting to create the milk that soon will be the only food your baby. In recent weeks the doctor will ask you some tests to be controlling your blood glucose in the blood to see if there is any possible gestational diabetes.
You feel cramps, to help you remember to stretch before bed and be very good that you walk at least half an hour every day to do your body exercise. It is recommended that you’re very exposed to the sun and should use sunscreens. Remember that you are a “fatter” why should use maternity clothing that is comfortable and breathable natural materials.
Avoid wearing shoes with very high heels or very flat because they do more harm to your back.

Changes in the baby During 6 months pregnancy: 

Most vital organ works almost perfectly. Your kidneys filter what your baby is drinking and returns in sterile urine. His ear is ever more acute by making it more sensitive to strong blows and reacts to them.
Keeps moving and your muscles are becoming stronger, your body is larger, fingers and limbs are formed and already begin to suck its thumb and your brain already has 14,000 million neurons, which still connect and nerves go myelin coating, a process that will continue once they are born and will allow them to function better.

The baby’s body at this stage will also start to produce white blood cells that will help protect you from infection. Her measurements in week 27 can reach 30 cm long and 20 cm sitting, and weighs about 750 grams. As is already too large, your position henceforth be provided with encogidas fetal extremedidades.

The body of the 6 months pregnant woman:

  • During six month pregnancy  you can feel the fetus kick strongly.
  •  The skin of your abdomen is growing can begin to give you itchy.
  • You can hurt your back. That’s why I have recommended to wear shoes with low heels or without (low) heel. Exercise can help prevent back pain. You should not keep standing for long periods of time.
  • You may also feel pain down the side of the belly and as t or uterus stretches.

Prenatal Care Guide

During sixth months pregnancy, it is important to know:
  • Go visit your doctor who will do a review of prenatal care.
  • You may have constipation. Drink more water or fruit juice; eat more fiber-containing foods (such as fruits and vegetables) and do some exercise.
  •  To relieve heartburn, try eating 4-5 smaller meals throughout the day (instead of three).
  •  Do not take laxatives or antacids without asking your health care provider.

The development of the fetus during 6 months pregnancy: 23-26 weeks

During six months pregnancy the fetus weighs over half a kilo and measures about 32 cm. between weeks 25 and 26, your taste buds to form and finish the fetus distinguishes some other flavors. The ear of the fetus and perfected through the womb can be distinguished from other noises.
In the sixth month of pregnancy, fetal growth is fast as well as their movements. On the palms of the hands are the first lines.
It also begins to feel agitated calls to false contractions `proof ‘Braxton Hicks. These contractions only last about thirty seconds and most of the mothers even notice them.
The skin is wrinkled and the fetus is reddish because the capillaries are transparent. He sleeps between 18 and 20 hours, but when awake (still with eyes closed) has much activity. The ear is perfected this month and can distinguish the voice of the father.
At the end of this period they have formed taste buds. That’s when, to put their fingers in their mouths, is able to distinguish the sweetness of the amniotic fluid and other flavors that come through your mother what you eat. It is still early to know the fetus differentiate sweet bitter and salty than bland, but begins to know what flavors you like and dislike.
The intestine continues filled with meconium. Brain cells used for conscious thought begin to mature. And it is believed to be able to learn and remember.
In this period they begin to grow the alveoli in the lungs and the fetus performs breathing movements with the diaphragm. The bronchi are still filled with amniotic fluid.
In the sixth month of pregnancy the baby is 32 cm and weighs more than half a kilo. The time is you can survive alone. At this time, if the baby was born, he needs medical help.
Psychologically During 6 months pregnancy:
All these changes in your body shape can be a problem, since it is impossible to ignore that you’re pregnant. Some women have trouble accepting this new state, and for others it is another reason for joy.
As your baby moves more and more, you can also start to question yourself whether you will be able to take care of the baby, I organize it … Do not hesitate to tell your fears to the people around you, they are there to support you.
Related to the sixth month of pregnancy:
Seventh month of pregnancy
Fifth month of pregnancy
four months of pregnancy
Three months of pregnancy
Pregnancy month
Weeks of the sixth month of pregnancy:
24th week of pregnancy
25th week of pregnancy
Week 26 of pregnancy
Week 27 of pregnancy

At home pregnancy test

Here are some common symptoms that a newly pregnant woman experience before the test can detect something. However, nothing can check whether a woman is actually pregnant until doing a  blood test, ultrasound or other tests conducted by the doctor performed. But, it can be determine reviewing some symptoms by . It is recognized that there are several . Every woman’s physiology determine if these symptoms occur any or during pregnancy.
The absence of menstruation
  • Tender breasts and increase
  • Sickness
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Frequent urination
  • BBT
  • Curious tests to see if I’m pregnant:

How can determine pregnancy  through at home pregnancy test:

Wondering if you are pregnant or may not become a stressful situation, excitement and anxiety depending on whether the woman wants to have a baby. If you suspect you are pregnant, then you should know as soon as possible to begin taking the necessary precautions for their health and think you want to take decisions regarding their future. When you’re pregnant you can easily recognize certain physical changes that go along with pregnancy. Then we’ll tell you how to detect these changes and other important information to know if you are pregnant or not.

Make memory of their actions:
It is very important that you remember if at any time of sex or no condom use, or broke it forgot to take her birth control pills. In the case of having committed an error as the above you can have a great possibility of being pregnant, as these contraceptive methods are very important in determining your pregnancy. On the other hand, if you have used all contraceptive methods correctly and has taken all possible precautions you may be not pregnant and is just a false alarm.
Discuss whether implementation was bleeding
If you witness slight bleeding during the time before or after your period you may be in the presence of implantation bleeding, as this happens when a woman becomes pregnant. A little blood loss takes place before monthly bleeding that women have or days after your period. You should definitely see a doctor or take a test to make sure Eva if you are pregnant or not.
Look for symptoms of nausea, vomiting or other digestive abnormalities
Usually women to become pregnant suffer different digestive disorders that lead them to have feelings of vomiting, nausea and dizziness. For this reason you should pay close attention to any of these symptoms as they may be signs of pregnancy. But do not be alarmed, because sometimes you’re just going through a box intestinal or digestive disorder that causes dizziness, vomiting and nausea.
Changes in eating behaviors
Many would find pregnant women to have eating disorders caused by pregnancy. The increase in the need to eat sweets or salty foods most of the time can be a sign of will and therefore pregnancy. If you are unsure of this behavior you should consult your doctor or make an Eva test for safety since it is not a determining factor of pregnancy.
Take effective pregnancy tests
If you want to be 100% confident you are pregnant or should not perform accurate and effective test for pregnancy rid of any doubt.Many women opt for urine tests performed with Eva test, since it gives results in minutes. But often these devices can fail and cause erroneous data, either claiming a pregnancy as denial. For this reason women are advised to contact a gynecologist or obstetrician to ensure permanently if you are pregnant. Your doctor will perform some simple tests and in minutes determine if you are going to be a mother.
These were some of the steps and tips to determine if a woman is pregnant or not. We hope you have found useful. Do not hesitate to leave your comments, until next time!
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If you are trying to get pregnant or trying to avoid pregnancy, and want to know immediately if you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy test strip are fast, accurate, and reliable to know that. A simple alternative when you need immediate and discreet results in the privacy of your own home.
This  have greater accuracy than 99.9% and are able to detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) at levels of only 10 mIU / ml . That means that you can know if you become pregnant between 6-8 days after ovulation. Even before pouring missing your period.
Begin testing between 7 and 10 days after ovulation.
• Format: Tiras.
• Approved by the FDA and the EC.
• Testing is 99.9% accurate and results are obtained within 5 minutes.
• It has a sensitivity of 10 mIU / mL (they are the most sensitive test market).
• Each strip is packaged separately.
• Maturity: not expire for another 18-24 months
Why they are so desirable?
Strip Pregnancy and ovulation tests are used with full warranty worldwide and meet a number of requirements of the EU (European Union) also meet the requirements demanded by the FDA (Food and Drug Agency in the US).
Are there differences between at home pregnancy tests and those performed in the doctor’s office?
No differences. Many doctors and clinics use strip pregnancy tests. Occasionally, some women may indicate you a confirmation with a blood test, but this test is not very different from our pregnancy tests as both seek the presence of HCG.

How does a pregnancy test?

The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the developing placenta shortly after conception and is present in the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone.
When the strip is immersed into a urine container, capillary action causes the liquid to rise through the membrane.When LH in the urine reaches the so-called “test area” of the strip, in the membrane a colored line appears if the concentration of the hormone is adequate. Absence of this colored line indicates a negative result.
To control the test has been performed properly, a colored line appears when the urine reaches the area of the strip called “Zone of Control”.
A normal woman who is pregnant has a concentration of hCG in urine 5mIU or less. Pregnant the first day of the level of HCG doubles and continues to double every 48 hours for the first 3 months until the level is in several hundreds of thousands.
With pregnancy strips, with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, a woman can get a reliable result to four days of pregnancy.However the basis of hCG in urine concentration varies from woman to woman and base level cases is 1 mIU / ml are given. Therefore, a safety margin taking us consider that our tests give a superior result with a certainty of 99.9% after 6 day of conception.

How do the test? 

  1. The strip and urine have to be at room temperature (15 to 30) at the time of the test.
  2. Check that the strip is in a sealed envelope.Pull it at the time of use.
  3. Dip the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing into the urine.Remove the strip after 3 seconds and set it horizontally on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface (such as the mouth of the urine container) .important: Do not immerse the strip in urine beyond the MAX line otherwise the test is not It will work correctly.
  4. Read results in five minutes.Do not read results last five minutes as they may be false positives.

How to interpret the results? 

Positive result (no pregnancy):  Two colored bands appear, one in the control region and one in the test zone, indicating that you are pregnant. The color intensity of the band in the test zone can vary because the concentrations of hCG hormone increases as pregnancy progresses.
Negative result (not pregnant):  A unique color band appears in the control area of the strip. No clear line appears in the test area. This indicates that no pregnancy has been detected.
Invalid Result:  appears when there is  no band  of color in the control area. Repeat with a new test kit. If the test still fails, please contact your dealer with us.

7th Month Of Pregnancy

The pregnant woman to her 7th Month Of Pregnancy

At the beginning of the third quarter, 7th Month Of Pregnancy many mothers see their anxieties, fears and concerns resurface with the approach of the term.
Fear of childbirth itself is its origin, but this also adds that of not being up to this new role of Mom looming: “Will I learn to take care of my baby, do whatever it takes for him …? “.

7th Month Of Pregnancy
These issues are quite normal and it is likely that when the day comes, they are resolved in the most natural of the world! Meanwhile, take advice from the midwife that animates childbirth preparation you have chosen and expressing it with all your anxieties, ask all your questions … If you have not started your preparation sessions , start it now! The 7th Month Of Pregnancy  may be marked by the appearance of the first contractions … your uterus contracts, sometimes several times a day. Under the effect of this contraction, your belly hardens. Relax, breathe deeply and quickly stomach will regain its suppleness.
Your body is thus preparing for childbirth. If contractions are painful or frequent, talk to your gynecologist or midwife who follows you. If you make too much effort, the outbreak of a contraction will remind you to order and tell you that we must slow down! Baby still has a lot of space (but not for long …), it moves and twirls in the amniotic fluid. Use this time to share these moments of communication with Dad or with the environment, siblings: attach your hands on your belly and let it do!
You begin to know his little habits: some are active mostly when you are lying down, at rest, others are more passive and do not move very little and still others continue to move to the point of sometimes or hurt you waking up at night! His days are now punctuated by short sleep phases agitated and calm sleep. His respiratory system and refines its digestive tract, all governed by a brain that gradually continues to expand.
Baby’s internal temperature is regulated his respiratory system also. His body becomes plump with fat accumulation. At the end of the , on average baby weighs nearly 1.5 kg to over 35 cm. Baby grows and you too! But you must continue to monitor your weight gain, eating healthy and balanced to provide baby everything it needs.

Homemade Pregnancy Test and Its Limitations

Homemade pregnancy test

In ancient times there almost avowedly were techniques and courses used to realize whether a woman was truly pregnant or not. Women in those days used to make use of these tests and would rely on upon them unquestionably. Some women of modern days do not know about homemade pregnancy test.
There are numerous ladies who are not happy with setting off to a specialist’s office and experiencing early pregnancy tests. A large portion of them however do not feel great or rather bashful to demand the pregnancy kits which are sold over the counter in the larger part of the drug store. This was dared to be a hand made pregnancy test for women who didn’t wish to go to the specialist’s office for the same.

Fast Response Early Result

The homemade pregnancy test is a particular strategy you can use to identify pregnancy without using any medical products. You can decide on a DIY (do it yourself)  to affirm pregnancy without telling anybody. These homemade pregnancy tests are normally very shabby too, but you have to know . The majority of the home solutions for pregnancy test is not logically ended up being precise, but rather despite everything you have to see how to handle things legitimately.
Furthermore, these tests might just affirm pregnancy; they are not the slightest bit any substitute to the level of antenatal consideration required to acquire a sound child the world.

When to take pregnancy test ?

This is a common question which each first-time mother comes across. As she is going to experience it for the first time, she gets very confused about this- how soon pregnancy test? But, do not be confused also; take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period. It is very easy to know the date if you have a regular menstrual cycle. If your period is irregular and you are not sure about the date, then take a test three weeks after you had unprotected intercourse.

What are signs of pregnancy ?

The presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your urine confirms your pregnancy. It is also known as the pregnancy hormone. After you get pregnant your body generates hCG, which helps to create the placenta (The fertilized egg that gets connected to the mass of the uterus gets sustenance security from the placenta).
So, most of the dependable homemade pregnancy tests confirm pregnancy by examining the presence of hCG level in the urine. Apart from the hCG level in the urine there are additionally numerous substantial signs which indicate that you are pregnant. Some, such early signs of pregnancy are:
• Missed period (the most clear sign which indicate that you are pregnant)
• Higher body temperature
• Vomiting sensation
• Swollen and tender breasts
• Increased frequency to pass urine, etc.
The early signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. A few of them experience almost all the signs while some others do not even experience one. So in such cases it is important to take the reliable homemade pregnancy test to detect whether you are pregnant or not.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Dandelion Leaves

Dandelion Leaves
One of the most mainstream approaches to test whether a lady is pregnant or not is the dandelion system. This strategy requires that a lady cuts dandelion leaves and places them in a plastic pot. It is essential that while setting the leaves in the compartment or while transporting them to the holder they don’t get into contact with direct sunlight. She ought to then urinate in the holder and guarantee that all the leaves are completely soaked. After every 10 minutes, the leaves should be checked for reddish blisters. If the leaves turn reddish, then the woman is pregnant.

Bleach Pregnancy Test

Bleach Pregnancy Test
Bleach pregnancy test is the second strategy which numerous ladies use to figure out if they are pregnant or not. While bleach has been utilized for a long time as a brightening item for garments, a lady can really utilize it as a best home pregnancy test substance. The lady is required to do is to put bleach in a container together with the urine. In the wake of blending the two and seeing that there is some froth or some frothy substance framing, then this implies she is pregnant. It is imperative that when blending blanch with the pee that the lady be in the open. On the off chance that breathed in, the vapor can make harm the pregnancy or even the lady’s health.

Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

Homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste
Toothpaste is the other homemade pregnancy test that ladies prominently utilize. Given that each home has toothpaste and it gets utilized each other day. This is one of the most effortless testing systems that a lady can utilize. All that one will be required to do is to place toothpaste in a holder and after that place pee in it. In the event that the shading swings to somewhat blue, then there is a high probability that the lady is pregnant.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Vinegar

Homemade pregnancy test with vinegar
Take some vinegar in a plastic pot and blend it with your crisp pee. This is another easy homemade pregnancy test with vinegar. There may be some gurgling, and you should not bother about it. On the off chance that the shade of fluid changes from its unique shading when you blended, it implies that you ought to expect a child. An impeccable free urine pregnancy test, this custom made pregnancy test with vinegar has been being used subsequent to the old times when there were no hints of medicinal innovation.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Pine sol

homemade pregnancy test
Homemade Pregnancy Test with Pine sol
Pine sol pregnancy test is the other testing system that has been being used for a long time. From the long time past days, ladies have been utilizing pine sol to test whether they are pregnant or not. The blend is an in number hostile to microorganism operators. A man will be expected to blend pine sol and pee in a non permeable compartment and sit tight for the outcomes. In the event that there will be any change of shading from the characteristic shade of pine sol then the lady has been pregnant

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar

Grainy Sugar
Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar
This homemade pregnancy test with sugar is best attempted with the first pee of the day. In a container, add a few spoons of sugar (the little precious stones, not powder) and urinate on it. If it forms clumps and does not dissolve, then you can affirm your pregnancy. This is another simple and free strategy to find out at home pregnancy test. Additionally, this technique has turned out to be 97.6% precise, so I would propose you lovely women to attempt best early pregnancy test from the rest of the list of checks it.

Homemade Pregnancy Test with Urine Itself

Homemade pregnancy test with urine itself
Collect your pee in a container or a jar. Verify the jar is laying on a level surface and do not touch or shake it at all. Following 24 hours, on the off chance that you see a thin white layer on the surface of your pee, the test is sure and affirms your pregnancy. In the event that nothing appears on the top layer of your pee, the test is negative and you are not pregnant. This is the third most list demanding test of all the above I have specified. You require no additional materials or fixings, simply the persistence of 24, inquisitive hours.

Limitations of homemade pregnancy tests

The reality of the matter is that the after effects of any homemade pregnancy test are not cent percent right and it is impossible to detect . The outcome might likewise be subjective to the lady who is trying it. The homemade pregnancy test should be maintained as an early detection pregnancy test.
There is no indicator of the amount of urine and another substance to combine to get an exact result. The guidelines about frothing, foaming, clamping, blistering and discoloration may also be confusing false pregnancy test. It is therefore a better idea to use medical pregnancy strips or devices which are scientifically proven and give accurate results as well.

You Need to Like Your Motherhood

Pregnancy is a gift and nothing gives a lady more delight than motherhood. Prepare yourself and learn the pregnancy with straightforward fixings from your kitchen without worrying about any doctor’s visit expenses and meeting charges of the specialists.
With the affirmation of the pregnancy begins the excursion of your motherhood, it is a perspective and the body which needs compelling alert, love and care. Pregnancy can thoroughly worry, you and the channel you of vitality. Taking great consideration of yourself is of prime significance. Whether it is solid sustenance, or satisfactory result, your well being should be regulated.
In instances of unplanned pregnancy, despite the fact that there are numerous distinct options for end the pregnancies, yet parenthood has been without a doubt a divine blessing and everything choices need to be weighed upon precisely. Rather than premature birth and murdering the embryo, you can bring forth the child and ask other non-possible couples to receive the infant.

