At home pregnancy test

Here are some common symptoms that a newly pregnant woman experience before the test can detect something. However, nothing can check whether a woman is actually pregnant until doing a  blood test, ultrasound or other tests conducted by the doctor performed. But, it can be determine reviewing some symptoms by . It is recognized that there are several . Every woman’s physiology determine if these symptoms occur any or during pregnancy.
The absence of menstruation
  • Tender breasts and increase
  • Sickness
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Frequent urination
  • BBT
  • Curious tests to see if I’m pregnant:

How can determine pregnancy  through at home pregnancy test:

Wondering if you are pregnant or may not become a stressful situation, excitement and anxiety depending on whether the woman wants to have a baby. If you suspect you are pregnant, then you should know as soon as possible to begin taking the necessary precautions for their health and think you want to take decisions regarding their future. When you’re pregnant you can easily recognize certain physical changes that go along with pregnancy. Then we’ll tell you how to detect these changes and other important information to know if you are pregnant or not.

Make memory of their actions:
It is very important that you remember if at any time of sex or no condom use, or broke it forgot to take her birth control pills. In the case of having committed an error as the above you can have a great possibility of being pregnant, as these contraceptive methods are very important in determining your pregnancy. On the other hand, if you have used all contraceptive methods correctly and has taken all possible precautions you may be not pregnant and is just a false alarm.
Discuss whether implementation was bleeding
If you witness slight bleeding during the time before or after your period you may be in the presence of implantation bleeding, as this happens when a woman becomes pregnant. A little blood loss takes place before monthly bleeding that women have or days after your period. You should definitely see a doctor or take a test to make sure Eva if you are pregnant or not.
Look for symptoms of nausea, vomiting or other digestive abnormalities
Usually women to become pregnant suffer different digestive disorders that lead them to have feelings of vomiting, nausea and dizziness. For this reason you should pay close attention to any of these symptoms as they may be signs of pregnancy. But do not be alarmed, because sometimes you’re just going through a box intestinal or digestive disorder that causes dizziness, vomiting and nausea.
Changes in eating behaviors
Many would find pregnant women to have eating disorders caused by pregnancy. The increase in the need to eat sweets or salty foods most of the time can be a sign of will and therefore pregnancy. If you are unsure of this behavior you should consult your doctor or make an Eva test for safety since it is not a determining factor of pregnancy.
Take effective pregnancy tests
If you want to be 100% confident you are pregnant or should not perform accurate and effective test for pregnancy rid of any doubt.Many women opt for urine tests performed with Eva test, since it gives results in minutes. But often these devices can fail and cause erroneous data, either claiming a pregnancy as denial. For this reason women are advised to contact a gynecologist or obstetrician to ensure permanently if you are pregnant. Your doctor will perform some simple tests and in minutes determine if you are going to be a mother.
These were some of the steps and tips to determine if a woman is pregnant or not. We hope you have found useful. Do not hesitate to leave your comments, until next time!
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If you are trying to get pregnant or trying to avoid pregnancy, and want to know immediately if you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy test strip are fast, accurate, and reliable to know that. A simple alternative when you need immediate and discreet results in the privacy of your own home.
This  have greater accuracy than 99.9% and are able to detect the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) at levels of only 10 mIU / ml . That means that you can know if you become pregnant between 6-8 days after ovulation. Even before pouring missing your period.
Begin testing between 7 and 10 days after ovulation.
• Format: Tiras.
• Approved by the FDA and the EC.
• Testing is 99.9% accurate and results are obtained within 5 minutes.
• It has a sensitivity of 10 mIU / mL (they are the most sensitive test market).
• Each strip is packaged separately.
• Maturity: not expire for another 18-24 months
Why they are so desirable?
Strip Pregnancy and ovulation tests are used with full warranty worldwide and meet a number of requirements of the EU (European Union) also meet the requirements demanded by the FDA (Food and Drug Agency in the US).
Are there differences between at home pregnancy tests and those performed in the doctor’s office?
No differences. Many doctors and clinics use strip pregnancy tests. Occasionally, some women may indicate you a confirmation with a blood test, but this test is not very different from our pregnancy tests as both seek the presence of HCG.

How does a pregnancy test?

The human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the developing placenta shortly after conception and is present in the urine. The pregnancy test contains antibodies which specifically react with this hormone.
When the strip is immersed into a urine container, capillary action causes the liquid to rise through the membrane.When LH in the urine reaches the so-called “test area” of the strip, in the membrane a colored line appears if the concentration of the hormone is adequate. Absence of this colored line indicates a negative result.
To control the test has been performed properly, a colored line appears when the urine reaches the area of the strip called “Zone of Control”.
A normal woman who is pregnant has a concentration of hCG in urine 5mIU or less. Pregnant the first day of the level of HCG doubles and continues to double every 48 hours for the first 3 months until the level is in several hundreds of thousands.
With pregnancy strips, with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, a woman can get a reliable result to four days of pregnancy.However the basis of hCG in urine concentration varies from woman to woman and base level cases is 1 mIU / ml are given. Therefore, a safety margin taking us consider that our tests give a superior result with a certainty of 99.9% after 6 day of conception.

How do the test? 

  1. The strip and urine have to be at room temperature (15 to 30) at the time of the test.
  2. Check that the strip is in a sealed envelope.Pull it at the time of use.
  3. Dip the strip into the urine with the arrow pointing into the urine.Remove the strip after 3 seconds and set it horizontally on a clean, dry, non-absorbent surface (such as the mouth of the urine container) .important: Do not immerse the strip in urine beyond the MAX line otherwise the test is not It will work correctly.
  4. Read results in five minutes.Do not read results last five minutes as they may be false positives.

How to interpret the results? 

Positive result (no pregnancy):  Two colored bands appear, one in the control region and one in the test zone, indicating that you are pregnant. The color intensity of the band in the test zone can vary because the concentrations of hCG hormone increases as pregnancy progresses.
Negative result (not pregnant):  A unique color band appears in the control area of the strip. No clear line appears in the test area. This indicates that no pregnancy has been detected.
Invalid Result:  appears when there is  no band  of color in the control area. Repeat with a new test kit. If the test still fails, please contact your dealer with us.
